Saturday, April 11, 2009

What Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis - What Are the Best Options Available

Treating bacterial vaginosis can be difficult. Initial treatment fails a surprisingly high number of women. Finding an effective treatment can be challenging for these women.

Standard course of treatment for bacterial vaginosis is a round of antibiotics. There are both oral and vaginal version of the most popular choices of antibiotics. A lower dose of the oral antibiotics is usually recommended to treat pregnant women.

The most common antibiotics prescribed by doctors are Metronidazole, Clindamycin, Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone, and Tetracycline. The last three are not used very commonly; they are reserved for when the first two don't seem to be able to provide a cure.

Antiobiotics remain the preferred treatment for bacterial vaginosis, even though is doesn't have the greatest success rate. In some cases the antibiotics work in the short term, but the bacterial vaginosis comes back rapidly. For some women, the antibiotics are completely ineffective, and they do not experience any relief of their symptoms.

For those women for whom the antibiotics have proven ineffective, alternative treatments must be investigated. There are many choices to try, whether a natural, homeopathic or home remedy. The challenge is in separating the old wives tales and outdated advice from the useful information out there.

Probiotic supplements have become very popular for treating many problems, including bacterial vaginosis. They also come in oral or vaginal form. Just make sure you're getting the right kind of supplement. Many supplements have been formulated to aid in digestion, and do not have the right kind of bacteria to help treat bacterial vaginosis. You need a supplement that contains both lactobacillus rhamnosus and lactobacillus reuteri.

It's important, before you begin any course of treatment, to go to a doctor and make sure that what you have is, in fact, bacterial vaginosis. While you may think, from your symptoms and what you've read, that what you have is definitely bacterial vaginosis, only a doctor can make that diagnosis. There are many other conditions that have symptoms similar to bacterial vaginosis, and they all have different treatments.

Treating bacterial vaginosis successfully can be quite difficult at times. Talk to your doctor about what's working and what isn't. Speak up; if the antibiotics don't work, push your doctor to investigate alternative methods of treatment for your bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial Vaginosis Relief is Possible!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Health Benefits of Good Bacteria

Generally our body comprises of two types of absorption systems. Food which gets easily broken gets absorbed in the upper intestinal tract. The food which is heavy or which our body cannot absorb goes to our lower intestinal tract which is also called as colon; here the bacteria divide these fatty acids into smaller fragments so that it can be easily absorbedColon ifs loaded full of good and bad bacteria .some bad bacteria are clostridia, on this bacteria there is a regular check of good bacteria. If some antibiotic is taken which depletes the god bacteria then one can certainly suffer due to severe bloody diarrhea as it over grows the bacteria clostridia and one can die as well if not given proper medication to kill clostridia by special antibiotics such as vancomycin and metronidazole.

Good bacteria help in sorting out the soluble fiber by breaking them to form chemicals like fatty acids which get absorbed in to our blood stream and then ultimately travel towards the liver. They after reaching the liver block the cholesterol contents and thereby reduce the risk of heart attacks. These fatty acids also help in reducing problems of inflammation to a much greater extent and hence they control the ulcers and diarrhea which are caused by crohn’s diseases. Pain and swelling of arthritis also gets reduced and many studies reveal that they help in developing the immunity system of our body by killing harmful germs.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Options This is Extremely Shocking

Most of you chronic sufferers of bacterial vaginosis, like me, have been prescribed the antibiotic metronidazole (known as Flagyll in the US) as a treatment for BV. And maybe it worked on the first try, if you were lucky. But when it didn’t work, and you had to take it over and over again, your doctor insisted that it was because you were doing something wrong because otherwise the drug would work.

I hope you found that as insulting as I did. Hello, I know you have to take all of the medication, even if the symptoms start to go away. Not to mention the fact that the symptoms haven’t gone away; the itching and smell? Yup, still there.

I decided to investigate treatments for bacterial vaginosis a little on my own, and I was shocked by what I found. The very medication that my doctor had insisted I take as a treatment for the bacterial vaginosis, metronidazole, had been banned in the European Union for veterinary use because it caused cancer in animals.

Excuse me? So this drug, that my doctor insisted that I that numerous times, and that I have a multi-refill prescription for right now, and seems to always be taking, is not allowed to be used on animals? Because it might give them cancer? There’s something wrong with that, right there.

Not wanting to overreact, I decided to look into this a little more, to make sure the information I had found was true. It turns out that metronidazole has been shown to cause both changes in genetic material and cause cancer in animals. It has not yet been found to conclusively cause cancer in people, quite possible because of a lack of studies.

I know that many drugs have harmful side affects, but their benefits far outweigh the negatives. I wouldn’t have a problem if a single course of metronidazole worked as a treatment for bacterial vaginosis. In this case the risks aren’t worth it; why expose yourself to something linked with cancer multiple times, when it isn’t doing what it’s supposed to.

So I continued my efforts to find an alternative treatment for bacterial vaginosis, and I think that I finally found something that works. And no cancer-causing drugs are needed. Check out my “bacterial vaginosis relief” review, and I hope it can help you as much as it helped me.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bacterial Vaginosis Relief in 3 Days

Because of all of the confusion surrounding bacterial vaginosis, finding lasting relief can be challenging, to say the least. For a lucky few, the antibiotics that most doctors turn to do work, and they are cured. A lot of women find that the antibiotics don't work, or only work for a little while, when the bacterial vaginosis returns; that is not a cure.

Information about a alternative or natural cure needs to be found to help these women (which included me). My doctor had implied that I was doing something wrong to make the treatments fail. This was very hard on me, especially since I was embarrassed about the problem to begin with; to then be told that the reason why I wasn't cured was my fault was almost unbearable.

Doctors need to sit up and take notice that women who are suffering from bacterial vaginosis want to be cured. The itch can make you not want to go out in public, the smell can make you not want to be intimate with your significant other; it really affects your quality of life. Getting a real cure for bacterial vaginosis would let you life the life that you want.

While they can't agree on many things about bacterial vaginosis, most medical authorites agree that it is caused by bad bacteria running rampant because of a change in the environment in the vagina. There are too many things that can cause this to happen to point to one definitive cause. They can argue about it all they like, I just wanted a cure!

And, after a lot of research and some messy trial-and-error (you really don't want to know) I finally came upon a system that worked. It combined a lot of the things that I had heard of before, and quite a few that I hadnt. Best of all, I had finally found a lasting cure for my bacterial vaginosis. If you want to know what worked for me, you can read my review of "Bacterial Vaginosis Relief" at