Most of you chronic sufferers of bacterial vaginosis, like me, have been prescribed the antibiotic metronidazole (known as Flagyll in the US) as a treatment for BV. And maybe it worked on the first try, if you were lucky. But when it didn’t work, and you had to take it over and over again, your doctor insisted that it was because you were doing something wrong because otherwise the drug would work.
I hope you found that as insulting as I did. Hello, I know you have to take all of the medication, even if the symptoms start to go away. Not to mention the fact that the symptoms haven’t gone away; the itching and smell? Yup, still there.
I decided to investigate treatments for bacterial vaginosis a little on my own, and I was shocked by what I found. The very medication that my doctor had insisted I take as a treatment for the bacterial vaginosis, metronidazole, had been banned in the European Union for veterinary use because it caused cancer in animals.
Excuse me? So this drug, that my doctor insisted that I that numerous times, and that I have a multi-refill prescription for right now, and seems to always be taking, is not allowed to be used on animals? Because it might give them cancer? There’s something wrong with that, right there.
Not wanting to overreact, I decided to look into this a little more, to make sure the information I had found was true. It turns out that metronidazole has been shown to cause both changes in genetic material and cause cancer in animals. It has not yet been found to conclusively cause cancer in people, quite possible because of a lack of studies.
I know that many drugs have harmful side affects, but their benefits far outweigh the negatives. I wouldn’t have a problem if a single course of metronidazole worked as a treatment for bacterial vaginosis. In this case the risks aren’t worth it; why expose yourself to something linked with cancer multiple times, when it isn’t doing what it’s supposed to.
So I continued my efforts to find an alternative treatment for bacterial vaginosis, and I think that I finally found something that works. And no cancer-causing drugs are needed. Check out my “bacterial vaginosis relief” review, and I hope it can help you as much as it helped me.